Iron Man 2

Superhero films are like Apple products, they keep coming out and are practically the same as the ones before and yet the new one is always popular. Why? They’re incredibly entertaining! Marvel films are like stretched TV shows - they’re always dramatic, exciting and often very funny but you never really care about what actually happens,  unless someone dies (as long as it’s not a  civilian). Iron Man 2 is the same, nothing particularly special but thoroughly enjoyable - with enough jokes to make us laugh and enough violence to make mum cover her eyes - even though  there really isn’t much violence!
Tony Stark has just revealed to the world that he is Iron Man and the government wants him to hand over his suit. Meanwhile, Ivan Vanko (played by Mickey Rourke), a Russian whose father used to work with Tony’s father,Howard, builds his own super suit and nearly kills Tony. Stark Industries’ main competitor, Justin Hammer played by Sam Rockwell, breaks Ivan out of prison and gets him to start mass producing Iron Man calibre suits.  James Rhodes, now played by Don Cheadle, becomes War Machine, we meet Black Widow for the first time and Tony discovers and creates a new atom structure - afterwards he really is in his element! Of course, the movie ends with a big battle between Iron Man and Ivan as well as another hint towards The Avenger initiative - sounds cool, they should make a movie about those guys...
I really enjoyed this film, as much as  I did with the first.  Sam Rockwell is great, and so too is Downey Jr - the best parts of the movie for me are  just his one-liners and obnoxious acts of wealth. The CGI is great, there is a vague resemblance to a plot, albeit convoluted, and I found it a very entertaining way to spend a few evenings. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for my sister - unless the reason she was on her phone was to text her friends about how great Iron Man II was.
Marks out of 10: A very respectable 6.75
Mum’s six words of wisdom:
Loud, brash and quite good fun
The snooze news: 
Did Dad fall asleep during Iron Man II? He did not! He hasn’t fallen asleep during a movie in ages which begs the question, what has this person done with my father?

Check out my Review of Iron Man here

So, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed that review – comment below if you had the same opinions – or opposing ones, or if you've seen it at all. Feel free to press subscribe at the top of the page so you never miss a review. We really hope to hear from you and read your thoughts. Have a safe day everybody! - Rob


  1. This perfectly captures the mood of Marvel as a whole and especially Iron Man 2. Lovely job Rob!

  2. Being a mum who doesn't like to watch violence, I thought I'd hate Iron Man, but Robert Downey Jr is so good that I really enjoyed all three Iron Man movies.

    Your blogs are very entertaining. Keep them coming!

    1. Thank you - I'm sure we'll be watching Iron Man 3 very soon, if my family lets me choose it!


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