
We tried to postpone it for as long as we could, but we had to watch Dad’s pick eventually! It's been over a week since my last review and tomorrow in the UK, the 8th of May, there is a national holiday and  I’m pretty sure it’s being held to celebrate my Dad picking a good film. Yes, you read that correctly - a good film! Pollyana is a movie from 1960 about a young orphan who is taken in by her Aunt and proceeds to improve the lives of everybody in the town - spreading happiness and joy wherever she goes. Personally, I’ve never met a girl anything like that - I’ll have to ask my sister if she has!
Pollyana is played by Hayley Mills and the film is really  nice  to watch - a bit like Lady and the Tramp which you can read about here. (I’m getting good at this blogging thing, aren’t I?) Pollyanna’s parents have died, and she has gone to live with her Aunt who is the most influential person in town. In fact, the town of Harrington is actually named after her Aunt Polly’s family. 
Pollyana is introduced to her Aunt who is very strict and mean, as well as all the maids and staff who are all grumpy and tell her off about numerous things. She hears a sermon from the Priest that’s about the evil in everybody, comes across an old woman who is just waiting to die and also meets the scariest man in town who threatens to trap her in his basement. Pollyana, being the polite and positive person that she is, manages to change the whole town dynamic by playing “the glad game” and looking on the bright side of life - she becomes everybody’s friend and makes the town a better place. Anyone who argues that Pollyana isn’t an amazing person doesn’t have a leg to stand on - but neither does Pollyana when she falls out of a tree. Had it coming, I’ll say.
Aside from the sermon about God’s wrath which was so long it could’ve been a movie of its own, there isn’t really anything bad about this movie. The annoying boy who can’t act from Swiss Family Robinson popped up again to briefly make me feel as if I was in a nightmare and Hayley Mills does do a really weird expression when she scrunches up her nose, but apart from that it was great. There are lots of nice lines and throwbacks to earlier in the story and I definitely recommend watching it to show you a place where the only thing being spread - is happiness.
Marks out of 10: 7.75
Mum’s four words of wisdom
Good old-fashioned entertainment.
The snooze news:
Did Dad fall asleep during Pollyana? No he did not - the world really has gone crazy!
So, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed that review – comment below if you had the same opinions – or opposing ones, or if you've seen it at all. We really hope to hear from you and read your thoughts. Have a safe day everybody! - Rob


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