Lady and the Tramp

I wasn’t quite sure what to think when Mum picked the original Lady and the Tramp. I trust her choices and all, but she did choose to marry my father – the man who picks classics and then falls asleep while watching them, so I can’t trust every decision she makes! However, Lady and the Tramp was actually truly great – a proper Disney classic - and was definitely out of Dad’s movies’ league,  around 20,000 to be precise.

Lady and the Tramp follows the life of Lady, a dog who was raised by an upper-class family in a secluded residential area. One day, her owners leave, and Aunt Sarah comes to look after the family baby, bringing with her two cats; I could tell you their nationality – if you please. The cats get Lady into trouble and Aunt Sarah goes to put a muzzle on her – Muzzle Tov? Lady runs away and is about to get mauled when she is saved by Tramp (not a nickname) and he and Lady strike up a friendship and share a candlelit dinner, organised by an Italian chef clearly out of his mind. Lady is caught by the dog catcher, finds out about Tramp’s other female acquaintances and is taken home to be chained to her kennel. In the dramatic climax (not really!) the Tramp corners a rat in Lady’s home which apparently is enough reason for the upper-class couple to keep him and they all live happily ever after.

The songs in this movie were good, the plot was entertaining, and the film was really quite heart-warming – though not as much as London’s weather at the moment! But we weren't happy with the Asian stereotyping. It's beginning to seem as if having only a small amount of racism is pretty good for classic Disney! 

I would definitely recommend watching Lady and the Tramp if you want to watch a movie that is properly old-fashioned. We all enjoyed it, and I’m now glad we didn’t opt for the modern remake (though I’m sure it still would’ve been good).

Marks out of 10: 8

Mum’s four words of wisdom:
Such a sweet film

The snooze news: 
Did Dad fall asleep during Lady and the Tramp? Well, I was so focused on the movie that I didn’t actually check about Dad’s sleeping situation. I’m pretty sure he stayed awake though, amazed at watching a proper classic.

I hope you enjoyed that review - comment below if you have any recommendations for us. If you send your reviews to we can publish them - regardless of whether we've written about them before. We really hope to hear from you and read your thoughts. Have a safe day everybody! -Rob

What did I think of another Disney classic: Alice and Wonderland? Read about it here.


  1. I love this film! It was one of my grandmother's favourites, and we used to watch it together, so I feel great nostalgia for that, and for the beautiful old animations. Though my all-time favourite Disney dog sequence is 101 Dalmatians, when the owners parade with their lookalike dogs through a London park. They're so funny!

  2. One of my all time favourite Disney films of my childhood.


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