Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland is a great book, clever, exciting and unique, and the 2010 remake was actually really good as well. Because of this, I had high expectations for the original Alice in Wonderland movie, but I didn’t expect the writers to be high too!
The 1951 version of Alice in Wonderland was absolutely terrible – it was written by thirteen different people and it really did seem like a bunch of separate movies stitched into one. I didn’t like the character of Alice as she was obnoxiously self-centred with an annoyingly posh British accent, nor did we like any of the other characters. I either couldn’t understand what they were saying due to their strange accents and terrible annunciation, or I couldn’t understand what they were saying due to the awful script.
Alice in Wonderland just got worse and more boring as time progressed, a bit like 2020 to be honest. Alice would meet some new characters, let those new characters sing a song or tell a story, and then leave to find other characters. It was like being stuck inside the dream of a five-year-old. The writers managed to take a great book, keep the characters but remove the entire plot – The Queen of Hearts victims weren’t the only people off their heads .
In conclusion, I would stay well away from the 1951 version of Alice in Wonderland. It wasn’t funny, it wasn’t clever, and it certainly wasn’t an entertaining way to spend an evening. The worse thing is that it was my pick! I could’ve gone for the modern version which my family hadn’t seen but I chose the old one – classic mistake (get it...)
Marks out of 10? 2
Mum’s five words of wisdom:
Weird, and not that good
The snooze news:
Did dad fall asleep during Alice in Wonderland? Somehow, he stayed awake! This was the only feature film so far that where he didn’t drift off but to be fair it’s hard to fall asleep when the movie already feels like a dream.
Check out my review of Swiss Family Robinson here.
So there you have it! I hope you enjoyed that review of Alice in Wonderland – we certainly didn’t enjoy watching it! We would love for you to share your reviews with us and if you email us at, we can publish them - regardless of whether we’ve written about them before. We really hope to hear from you and read your thoughts. Have a safe day everybody! - Rob
I think I last watched this when I was about 7, so probably less discerning - but even then I remember thinking the caterpillar was distinctly weird!