National Treasure 2

It was my turn to pick a movie and I was scrolling through Disney + when something caught my eye. No, we’re not so bored that we’re playing catch with my eye-ball, though we’re almost at that stage, - it was National Treasure. I watched this film a few years ago and I remember absolutely loving it and wanting to become a treasure hunter afterwards. Therefore when I saw there was a sequel I knew it had to be my choice and what a choice it was! On a completely unrelated note.. I now want to become a treasure hunter again!

National Treasure 2 follows Ben Gates as he attempts to clear his great-grandfather’s name. A previously undiscovered diary entry appeared to link his ancestor to the death of Abraham Lincoln and the only way Ben can prove his innocence is by finding the mythical city of gold (you’ll understand it more if you watch the movie). This ancient treasure hunt leads Ben and his companions all around the world where they find clues in famed landmarks, sneak into Buckingham palace and even kidnap the President of the United States - and he rules! Apart from that there’s a bad guy, (of course) a love interest, Helen Mirren, a car chase and lots of crude British accents when they visit London. This movie really has everything!

National Treasure 2 is brilliant - not as good as the first one - but brilliant, nonetheless. The plot and whole treasure hunt is amazingly written, and it’s so entertaining that you wish it were real, the characters are all really good and like the city of gold, this really was a find!

However… sister, 18, was on her phone after about fifteen minutes so clearly didn’t think much of the movie and my mum’s words of wisdom don’t quite compliment it as much as I did. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed this movie and I recommend watching it.
Marks out of 10: 8.75

Mum’s three words of wisdom:
Pretty Good Fun
The snooze news
Did dad fall asleep during National Treasure 2? Treasure this moment - he stayed wide awake! Maybe my choices are just the best (or he’s learnt to sleep with his eyes open).

So, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed that review – comment below if you had the same opinions – or opposing ones, or if you've seen it at all. We would love for you to share your reviews with us and if you email us at, we can publish them - regardless of whether we’ve written about them before. We really hope to hear from you and read your thoughts. Have a safe day everybody! - Rob

If you liked this review, why not check out the one I did for Iron Man here


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