Small Fry, Party Central, Inner Workings and Presto short films

You may think I’m running short of things to write about but believe me there are  plenty of shorts to write about. If you have little interest in films, then shorts are perfect as  they are just little films - there are even some about the Simpsons and we sure ate those up! (get it…). 
Small Fry
This first short is guaranteed to give you a buzz - two actually. Buzz Lightyear has been replaced by a  miniature version and finds himself stuck in a support group for discarded toys in Poultry Palace.  The smaller space ranger is taken home and begins annoying the other toys whilst the real Buzz has to sit through the therapy session. This short film is pretty entertaining, especially seeing and hearing all the other discarded toys as they do look like the sort of things I threw away when I was younger!
Marks out of 10: 7
Party Central
I have to say that Mike Wazowski and his friends are losers, not to Sully their good names. So when they hold  a party but nobody shows up they decide to steal another one. Using the magical doors seen in Monsters Inc they transport everything from Jonny Worthington’s party, including the party-goers themselves, as well as drinks and Monster Munch, to their own house leaving Jonny very confused but making them the hosts of the most “epic party ever”. The best part of this short film is the couple living in the room that the magic doors lead to - the wife thinks that the horde of monsters is really her husband snoring and thinking of  my dad, it probably could’ve been!
Marks out of 10: 8
A short section of notable mentions: 
Inner Workings - a strange but entertaining film about a man whose body wants to let-loose and have fun but whose brain wants to stay civilised and go to work. This film was clearly made by a bunch of Disney animators who have never worked an office job in their life and it is pretty scathing of those who do.
Marks out of 10: 7
Presto - a short film about a magician and his white rabbit. When Presto forgets to feed the bunny, the animal gets his revenge by meddling with the act and putting Presto in all sorts of precarious positions. The audience, however, are oblivious to all of this and think he has put on an incredible show. 
Marks out of 10: 6

If you want to read about some other shorts, check out my review here.
That’s all we’ve got today on The Plus Side, but we would love for you to share your reviews with us! If you email us at, we can publish them - regardless of whether we’ve written about them before. We really hope to hear from you and read your thoughts. Have a safe day everybody! - Rob


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