20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Before I start this review, I would like you to read the following options and decide which category you fall into, with regard to the 1954 movie 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea:
  1. You have never heard of it
  2. You have heard of it but do not have an interest in watching it
  3. You have watched it before and have no interest in watching it again
  4. You have heard it was a "classic" and desperately want to see it
In the last week I moved from option 1, not knowing anything about the film, to 2, hearing about the film and not really wanting to watch it, to 3 where I now wouldn’t mind if the only copy of this film was buried 20,000 leagues under the sea. That just leaves us with option 4 and who could fit that persona, I wonder? If you haven’t worked it out yet, I’ve moved up a segment normally found at the bottom of my reviews to give you a clue:
The Snooze News
Did Dad fall asleep during 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, his own pick? He sure did but this time everyone else nearly fell asleep as well!
This movie is not as awful as I’m making it out to be;  it’s just extremely slow. It follows a French professor, his assistant and a harpooner who were on a ship investigating a mysterious monster. After their ship is destroyed, they find refuge on none other than the monster itself which turns out to be a submarine run by Captain Nemo. Throughout the film, the prisoners discover the wonders of the ocean, are told of the evil of humans, and are even attacked by a giant squid in a confrontation that Wikipedia describes far too positively.  
Despite all of that I can see why this film was such a hit in the 1950s as it shows you a different side of the world. The movie has a few cool shots of the ocean but apart from that it’s all dialogue between boring characters who could’ve drowned, and I wouldn’t have really cared. 
Marks out of 10: 3.5
Mum’s four words of wisdom:
Not the best choice
So there you have it! I hope you enjoyed that review - comment below if you've seen it and if your opinions were similar to/ opposed mine. If you send your reviews to blogontheplusside@gmail.com we can publish them - regardless of whether we've written about them before. We really hope to hear from you and read your thoughts. Have a safe day everybody and I'll hopefully see you soon! -Rob

For another of my dad's classics, read my review of Swiss Family Robinson


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